Schleese and Saddlefit 4 Life Continue to Lead the Equestrian Industry with Equine Professional Education Impact

From: American Horse Publications via AHP-LIST []
Sent: June-11-18 7:54 PM
Subject: AHP NEWSGROUP: Schleese and Saddlefit 4 Life Continue to Lead the Equestrian Industry with Equine Professional Education Impact


June 11, 2018


For more information contact:
Murielle Price
North American Director of Education for Saddlefit 4 Life
Sabine Schleese
Director of Corporate Affairs for Schleese Saddlery Service Ltd.

Schleese and Saddlefit 4 Life Continue to Lead the Equestrian Industry with Equine Professional Education Impact

Jochen Schleese will be a featured educational presenter at this year’s Australian edition of Equitana 2018, held in Melbourne Nov, 15 – 18, 2018. Immediately after the trade show, Saddlefit 4 Life will be hosting its first Equine Ergonomist and Schleese Western saddle training session ‘down under’, working together Danielle Skerman (editor of Baroque Horse) and Dr. Lesley Hawson, PhD, Veterinary Surgeon. From Australia, Jochen will fly to South Africa for his annual Saddlefit 4 Life training courses in Capetown and Durban, and from there he goes to the UK where Schleese is a sponsor for the Saddle Research Trust Conference 2018.  In addition, Jochen Schleese has been nominated for the Welfare and Performance Person list of Practitioners for consideration of a reward of recognition.  Voting will be announced via the SRT newsletters, Facebook and Twitter in July so please like and follow SRT or sign up for their mail list to be kept informed. is the conference website which will announce all the news on the Welfare and Performance awards.

One of the guest speakers at the SRT will be Caroline Hegarty of the California based organization Equitopia, which has collaborated closely with both Saddlefit 4 Life and more recently the Master Saddle Fitters International (MSFI) organization, which also works with Saddlefit 4 Life to train its members in the UK on a regular basis. Equitopia took over the HIPPOH Foundation (Horse Industry Professionals Protecting Our Horses) which was originally founded as a not-for-profit by Jochen Schleese, Dr. Joanna Robson, DVM, and trainer Karen Loshbaugh.

All of these ventures and activities underline how passionate and instrumental Jochen Schleese has been and is about spreading the word, educating the riding public, and making a difference to the comfort, protection, and performance of our equine friends.


About Jochen Schleese and Schleese Saddlery Service Ltd.

Jochen Schleese got his certification as Master Saddler at the age of 22 and came to Canada in 1986 to establish and register the trade of saddlery in North America. With over 80 different models designed over the years, Schleese Saddlery Service Ltd is the world leading manufacturer of saddles designed for women, specializing in the unique anatomical requirements of female riders. Schleese authorized representatives provides diagnostic saddle fit analysis and saddle fitting services across the globe to maintain optimal saddle fit to horse and rider.

Jochen is the author of the best-selling “Suffering in Silence: The Saddle Fit Link to Physical and Psychological Trauma in Horses”, now in its third printing by Trafalgar Square and available in hard copy, digital and paperback versions at

He is a regular guest lecturer at various equine and veterinary colleges around North America and Europe.

For more information about Jochen Schleese and Schleese Saddlery Ltd. please go to or



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