Introducing our State of the Art
Where WE can effectively and confidently
adjust your saddle with YOU
anywhere at anytime WORLDWIDE!
.... unlike any other system on the market today!
7 New, Unique and Innovative Features of the
Virtual Custom Fit System
1. Schleese 3P Gullet Plate - U.S. Patent [11377343]
This is the first gullet plate on the market that can achieve a customized fit without the use of a tree machine. Tree width (independent of tree angle), tree angle (independent of tree width), and the ability to have an orthopedic adjustment to accommodate any natural crookedness can be affected. Regardless of the shape of your horse, this gullet plate can be fit optimally through its unique 3 adjustment points. Through the adjustable cogs by a customized Schleese key unique to this feature, this gullet plate can easily be adjusted after taking measurements of your horse.

2. CB Stirrup Bar (Patent Pending)
All other stirrup bars are usually attached to the gullet plate on the front section of the saddle which creates a major pressure point over the withers and onto the shoulder. Each time the rider puts weight in the stirrups it puts pressure on the stirrup bar and in turn, excessive pressure on the withers and shoulders. This excess pressure at the front of the saddle can make the saddle rock or bounce and settle over the withers faster. During the rising trot or two-point in trot and canter and especially in jumping, the pressure to the horse’s wither is tremendous. To relieve the pressure on the gullet plate (horse’s shoulder and withers) we have created a hinged CB Stirrup Bar that is attached in the center of the saddle tree. This CB stirrup bar can be attached on the center of the saddle tree in a forward, regular or extended position. The hinge makes it easy to adjust the stirrup leathers from the ground or on the horse while alleviating the pressure on the horse’s body or rider’s thigh. The unique design of this stirrup bar allows your leg to fall in the correct position, all while it is attached in the center of the saddle and not on the gullet plate. Each time the rider puts weight in the stirrup, the rider’s weight is displaced over the center of the horse’s back – away from the shoulder and withers, with no rocking or bouncing.

3. IP Option
IP stands for “Interchangeable Panel” and offers a more traditional look and includes flexible shock absorbing foam and PSI technology. This panel can be removed when adjusting the gullet plate and then flocked with wool to meet fitting requirements. If a fitter is not available to you, in lieu of the wool flocking, the TruForm Fitting Pad can be used. As the Interchangeable Panel detaches from the saddle, it can be replaced with a different size panel down the road which makes it a perfect choice if there is a possibility of using this saddle on a different horse in the future. This process is so simple it can be done on-site in minutes. (Dressage saddle model shown as example)

4. Hybrid Options
The Hybrid option is available with two types of panels. The first option is our Standard Panel with Shoulder Relief and the second option is our Therapeutic Panel with the Shoulder Rolling System. Both panels come with our TruForm fitting pad which gives this saddle a very innovative look. With either option you can quickly and easily fit any horse by simply changing your TruForm Fitting pad and making adjustments to the 3P Gullet Plate. Both options utilize the flexible shock absorbing foam and PSI technology. The Hybrid options offer a truly outstanding weight distribution with its unique combination of design elements. (Jumper saddle model shown as example). Please follow the Therapeutic Panel with the Shoulder Rolling System (SRS) for further information.

5. TruForm Fitting Pad
Our TruForm Fitting Pad is unique to Schleese and has been developed for our Virtual Custom Fit System Hybrid saddles. The pad is custom fit in order to offer maximum comfort and correct fit to the horse. Most “shim pads” on the market offer only minimal flexibility when adjustments are needed to correct balance front to back and can often slip around under the saddle putting unnecessary pressure on one of the 14 reflex points causing negative behaviour making the fit of the saddle to horse even worse. Our TruForm Fitting Pad stays in place and has 16 shimming options including the saddle support area.
Our TruForm Fitting Pad is included free of charge with all Hybrid saddles and is also available for sale to be used under the Virtual Custom Fit System IP saddles. Available in white and black, without fleece lining for $289 or with fleece lining for $319. Extra insert sets (pkg. of 16 inserts) are available for $150.
View or Print our Step-by-Step TruForm Fitting Pad Guide with detailed instructions with accompanying photos should you wish to fit your own TruForm Fitting Pad by clicking the button below.
Saddle Support Area (SSA)
Combination felt full length lining

Fitting Inserts
Soft felt fitting inserts 3/8″ thickness

6. Shock Absorbing Foam
Shock absorbing materials prove to be the best materials when flexible cushioning is needed. This foam has an unique open cell structure that provides excellent resistance to compression set (collapse) and delivers superior shock absorption, impact protection, high resiliency and vibration damping. The foam on the right hand side of your screen is the foam that we use in our panels.
Poron - Shock Absorbing Foam

7. Saddlefit 4 Life® 3D Wither Tracer is included in the VCFS Fitting Kits that are available for purchase.
With the purchase of your Virtual Custom Fit Kit, you will receive our innovative measuring tool which will allow you to perfectly measure your horse and subsequently fit your saddle with the support of our saddle fit experts. You will also receive a number of bristol board templates similar to the image in blue below, the specialized Schleese Key and two Virtual Fittings.

Are YOU Ready to Learn More about our Virtual Custom Fit Saddles?
‘Continuum’ – ‘Sequence’ – ‘Quantum’ – ‘Evolution’
are our dressage models while the
‘Boundless’ – ‘Cosmic’ – ‘Quest XC’ – ‘Galaxy XC’
are our jumping models.
We are here and eager to get you started!
If you have purchased a Virtual Custom Fit System Saddle
and would like to book a Virtual Fitting...
Please click

Virtual Custom Fit System (VCFS) Frequently Asked Questions
No other adjustable saddles on the market have gullet plates that can adjust in all the necessary ways to truly be fit to any horse. Most can only be tweaked slightly. Below are the 12 Truly adjustable points that only Schleese Virtual Custom Fit System saddles offer:
- Adjust tree angle independent from tree width.
- Adjust tree width independent from tree angle.
- Ability to adjust the tree orthopedically.
- Adjust billets independent from left to the right side.
- Adjust channel width for spinal clearance.
- Adjust panel length.
- Adjust panels weight-bearing surface.
- Adjust saddle balance.
- Adjust wither clearance
- Adjust for shifting and twisting.
- Adjust saddle rotation or falling to one side.
- Adjust the saddle to prevent slipping forward or back.
All our Virtual Custom Fit System saddles are priced at $8195.00 any chargeable customization options you may choose (VCFS fitting kit sold separately).
All of our Glamour options are available to be seen on our website. There are far too many to list them all here but a few of our most popular customization options include:
- Colour stitching
- Colour welting
- Patent accents
- Tooled accents
- Crystals to add bling
The current production time is at 12 weeks. All ‘VCFS’ saddles are completely handmade in our workshop in Canada.
There are many ways we are available to help you to book a chargeable fitting support call. The cost is $179 and can be paid online prior to the call:
- Your Certified Saddle Ergonomist (CSE)
- Our info@schleese email
- Our customer care specialist
- You can also contact your local Certified Schleese Saddle Representative (CSSR) for support.
The VCFS Tool Kit is not included with the purchase of a VCFS saddle. However, the kits are available for purchase for $495 + tax/shipping. Included in the kit are the following items:
- A 3D Wither Tracer
- A unique Schleese Key to adjust your gullet plate.
- A template to trace your measurements and cut-outs.
- Two Virtual Fitting appointments (English or French available).
You can order a replacement 3D Wither Tracer for $250.00 and specialize Schleese Key for $50.00.
We commit to working with you and your horse to find a viable solution for saddle fit. Please notify us of any issues within 30 days of receipt of your saddle. We will address your concerns by:
- Making any necessary adjustments either on-site at a fitting clinic or long distance using our Fit Kit or
- Working together with you to find an alternative saddle solution.
If we cannot satisfy your expectations once #1 and #2 have been addressed, we will take back your saddle and all accessories that came with it and refund you your purchase price minus a $500.00 restocking fee.
If the saddle shows signs of excessive wear and tear, you may be charged a nominal amount for depreciation. After 30 days of receipt of the saddle, the sale is deemed final.
Yes, as with all our saddles, the IP saddle can be changed to accommodate the saddle-support area of any horse.
Yes. You can order the panels for the IP saddle directly from Schleese and we can walk you through the installation or you can choose to have one of our CSE’s change the panels for you if you register for an upcoming clinic in your area. You can also book an appointment with a local CSSR if you have one in your area.
The replacement cost is $1675.00.
On our IP option, the shock absorbing foam is directly in the panel.
The shock absorbing foam will be used as a base on the Hybrid option.
- Dressage or Jump in White with or without fleece
- Dressage or Jump in Black with or without fleece.
The Schleese 3P Gullet Plate – U.S. Patent [11377343] has had extensive testing through its research and development stages. Through this rigorous testing process, it was evident that the gullet plate cannot be damaged during normal use and correct adjustments. However, due to the number of moving parts and room for human error, the gullet plate is not under warranty. In the case that damage does occur, the saddle can be shipped to Schleese Saddlery Service Ltd. in Ontario, Canada, and a new gullet plate can be installed. For pricing, please contact us at