Exclusive FREE Training Reveals
DISCOVER the 4 LINE TECHNIQUE To Finding The Perfect Spot For Your Saddle Everytime
Without expensive tools and just a piece of chalk!
Here's What You'll Learn
Don't take our word for it…
Here are just a fraction of our own client's results…

Edie Tarves
Uxbridge, ON
Knowing I will be pain-free speaks volumes
My horses are pain-free and able to train and learn with no restrictions from ill-fitting tack allowing them to reach their maximum potential. At the end of the day, knowing I will be pain-free speaks volumes.

Chad Basile
Webster, NY
Since working with Schleese my horses perform at their best
I spent arduous amounts of time and money trying to find saddles that fit me and my horses, and that did not injure or restrict the movement of my horses. Since working with Schleese my horses perform at their best and continuously improve in their training with minimal interruptions.

Terri Fountain
Victoria, AUS
It has helped me so much in understanding both of my horses bodies.
I couldn’t be happier. It (the saddle) put me in the right position and he felt so good under me. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge online. It has helped me so much in understanding both of my horses bodies.
About The Teacher, Jochen Schleese
Hey, I'm Jochen Schleese, Founder of Schleese Saddelry and I want to hand you one of the “Holy Grails” of saddle fitting...
You see in 1984 after qualifying for the Europeans I had to retire my horse for lameness due to an improper fitted saddle, effectively ending my riding career! I wish I had known then what I have learned in the past 40+ years of research.
I never want this to happen to you, that is why I am giving you FREE Access to our "How To Map Out Your Horse" training video. I've had help from some of the top doctors, chiropractors , veterinarians, and osteopaths in the industry to bring you this training!
Based on facts not opinions…
No “Fluff” just pure actionable information…
And no “sugar coating the truth”…
Change Your Life & The Life Of Your Horse Now For FREE!

Melanie Bourque
Quebec, CA
I’m so grateful for Jochen’s master skills as a saddle fitter and biomechanics expert.
My mare, Rubi, was experiencing back problems. Being gray and close to the blood, she’s a very sensitive horse and the slightest saddle misfit translates into major skin irritation and hollowing / twisting of the back.
After riding her in a Schleese saddle for a year, including a demanding show season, her back is now perfect!

Debbie Gibeau
Eckville, AB
I am now a balanced rider and Coco is a happy [and] who is willing to do his work everyday.
I have had Coco my Dutch Warmblood for 6 years and found it very difficult to fit a saddle for his very large shoulder, long wither and extremely short back. After years of searching buy and trying, with no luck, I finally made an appointment with Natalie Sauner from Schleese in our Alberta area. Coco and I are elated to finally have found the saddle for us!

Emily Morris
Avella, PA
He’s happy and no longer reactive and spooky as his back is pain free!!
I am thrilled with the saddles and the fitters ! My 17 yr old draft cross has the cleanest spine they had ever seen when he had a bone scan done too see where arthritis was . His spine was clean . He only has been ridden in a Schleese. Just wanted to tell you how much this new saddle has changed my horse. My super short Obrigado [saddle] saved Pete.
This is normal for our clients...
And we want it to be your “new normal” too…
That sound good to you?
We hope so – because we put together this exclusive FREE training to show you the exact mapping blueprint our Certified Equine Ergonomist use with our customers!
Something they’ve each paid well over $3K to learn and become certified.
But our mission is to save horses and help all riders get results and that doesn’t just end with our customers…
Which is why we want to help you avoid the costly journey and thousands of mistakes it took us to discover these secrets.
So if you’re ready to take your riding to the next level and ensure your saddle placement is safe for you and your horse, then hit the button below.
We guarantee we can teach you what you need to know — all you gotta do is implement…