Schleese Livestreams – September 2024

Schleese Livestream Schedule for September

For further information contact Madison Loach.
Schleese Marketing Lead at [email protected].

Schleese Education for September 2024 – 12 Scheduled Livestreams to View
Join us for one of the Livestreams listed below at your convenience and learn about the latest developments in saddle fitting! Mark your calendars!
Keep an eye open for additional Q&As and lectures to be shared on the Schleese YouTube Channel and the Schleese Facebook Page.

  1. Jaelynn Bosner – – September 3 @ 2:00 pm EST
    Jaelynn rescued her pony 7 years ago and started her with Western/Barrels before discovering she loved jumping. Jaelynn dabbled in eventing for a few years before moving to Jumpers and has ridden multiple different breeds and sizes. She’s interested in saddle fit because she wants her horses to be fully comfortable in saddles that fit and help them perform at their best. Jaelynn sees it as someone wearing the wrong shoe size – it wouldn’t be comfortable – so she couldn’t imagine having an ill-fitted saddle, bridle or bit.

  1. Sydney Eastburn – – September 4 @ 3:00 pm EST
    Sydney is a hunter/jumper trainer with a Bachelor of Science degree in Equine Studies. She is a trained equine massage therapist and has worked directly with equine veterinarians as a technician. She is incredibly devoted to the wellness of horses and continuing to learn what that means for them across all avenues. Sydney believes the horse is a unique creature that gives us far more than we deserve or earn and is worth our highest level of care. Equine welfare has become a major passion for her, and saddle fit is one of the key issues she is eager to address to fully enjoy riding horse sports.

  1. Kelsey Rast – – September 9 @ 3:30 pm EST
    This is Kelsey of Red Poppy Equine. She works in all positive reinforcement training and works for a rescue in Middle Tennessee, as well as for herself. Her grandfather was a farmer and started her riding by going for trail rides when she was 2 years old. Kelsey has loved horses ever since. She has no specific discipline but believes in proper biomechanics and works closely with a horse and human physical therapist. This has helped her learn so much about equine movement and fitting a saddle, and she is constantly trying to expand her education. She loves what she does!

  1. Anneleise Sanchez – – September 10 @ 11:00am EST
    Bio TBD 

  1. Alysha Santana – – September 10 @ 2:00pm EST
    Bio TBD

  1. Macy Zylstra – – September 11 @ 1:00 pm EST
    Macy Zylstra is the owner of Mila the Mustang and Marguerita Ranch. She owns 6 horses, 2 donkeys, and 5 pigs and adopted her first horse Mila 6 years ago. Her favourite activities are exploring Arizona and trail riding. She did not grow up with horses but was always obsessed and tried to ride every chance she got, so she did have quite a bit to learn when she got Mila. Macy adopted an OTTB named Maya shortly after Mila and rehabbed her from starvation. After she got healthy, Macy was riding her in a very poorly fit saddle (which Macy didn’t know) and she started having issues and then discovered she had ‘Kissing Spine’. This kicked off Macy’s interests in saddle fit and hoof trimming. Now that Mila’s 6, they are riding more and more, and Macy struggles with saddle fit for her since she is completely mutton-withered. The other rideable horses have conformation issues that are the complete opposite, with prominent withers, so Macy now has a collection of saddles from trying out many different types.

  1. Alexisandra Travis –  – September 13 @ 2:00 pm EST
    Alex Travis is an Indigenous veteran from Arizona with over two decades of large animal training and handling experience and a Master’s Degree of Science in Animal Biomedical Sciences. She owns 8 equines; 2 registered quarter horses, 5 Mustangs, 1 draft cross Mustang and 2 donkeys. Alex’s training emphasis is on meeting the 3Fs and LIMA protocols, exclusively trains with positive reinforcement and most of her program is at liberty. She primarily works with feral/untouched horses and horses with previous violent or aggressive history.

  1. Madeline Byrd – – September 13 @ 4:00pm EST
    Madeline started her riding journey around 10 years old and found herself with an OTTB around 15. They dabbled in local shows but stuck to trail rides and in-hand work. Shortly after losing her heart horse, a young quarter horse fell into her lap. Hundreds of miles on the trails later, they found their love for eventing and will hopefully make their BN debut this season, maybe with a little yellow horse named Pickle Chip in tow.

  1. Stefanie Skidmore – – September 16 @ 2:00 pm EST
    Stefanie Skidmore is the director, trainer, founder and president of Wild Horse Outreach & Advocacy (WHOA). She has 30 years of experience training horses of various ages, breeds and sizes on 2 continents, and over 7 years of experience working almost exclusively with wild horses. She has been teaching horsemanship for over a decade, an academic background in biology focusing on animal behaviour and husbandry, human psychology and behaviour through her work as a mental health therapist. In her free time, Stefanie enjoys learning more about horses and horsemanship and exploring the Mountain West, ideally on horseback. She regularly takes the WHOA Ambassador Mustangs on backcountry rides and overnight pack trips.

  1. Rhonda Hartman – – September 18 @ 3:00 pm EST
    Bio TBD

  1. Ifa Simmonds – – September 25 @ 2:00 pm EST
    Ifa works in equestrian fitness and wellness. His background is in leisure trail riding. He’s yet to own a horse but plans to in a few more years once his business is established and he has more time. He’s interested in chatting about the impact a rider brings to the saddle and their horse with previous/current imbalances, body awareness and other topics he includes in his teaching and talks about daily. Ifa is also interested in Jochen’s experience of seeing changes in riders he’s worked with once they’ve started cross-training.

  2. Kenz Wilde – – September 25 @ 3:00 pm EST
    Kenz grew up in the saddle, starting with hunter/jumper and dressage before switching to Western. She participated in internships throughout high school and college to learn about reining, cutting, and colt starting. She loved ‘Colt’ starting and proceeded to dive into the world of Mustangs, specifically the aggressive ones. Using science-based methods, she studied the equine brain, the impact of trauma on its function, and more. She has published several books on equine-related matters. Kenz is a horse trainer and riding instructor specializing in educating others on kinder, more humane horsemanship methods. She is working on another book about saddle fit, riding equipment, equine biomechanics and more. This would enhance her research for the book and allow her to gain valuable knowledge and experience to share with others.

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