Take our 80 Point Saddle Evaluation and find out if your saddle fits right!


Symptomatic lameness

We have discussed several aspects of a badly fitting saddle. These include incorrectly faced tree points, too narrow gullet channels, and not enough freedom at the withers all around the pommel area. All these can lead to the symptomatic appearance of various issues that warrant calling out the veterinarian, such

Symptomatic lameness Read More »

Who is Jochen Schleese? Certified Master Saddler and Saddle Ergonomist is the short answer.

Not only your horse’s, but your well-being, comfort and back health depends on your team of professionals working together.  We went to the ‘street’ to talk to professionals in Jochen Schleese’s Saddlefit 4 Life® global network. Some shared facts learned at a Professional Seminar, Equine Ergonomist course, veterinary conference or

Who is Jochen Schleese? Certified Master Saddler and Saddle Ergonomist is the short answer. Read More »

‘Girl Talk’ – Did you know women have different requirements than men when it comes to saddle fit? Here are five keys to comfort for female riders.

There are several important elements to consider in determining the proper saddle fit especially for women – which is 85% of Schleese’s market – and makes us the only female saddle specialist in the world! Our saddle fitters all have a comprehensive understanding of equine biomechanics and how saddles need

‘Girl Talk’ – Did you know women have different requirements than men when it comes to saddle fit? Here are five keys to comfort for female riders. Read More »

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