You really love your horse and don’t want your friend to be in pain!

New Release DVD by Jochen Schleese!  “Beyond the 9 points of Saddle Fitting” deals with the complexities of saddle fit, revealing potentially serious effects of ill-fitting saddles to horse and rider! Undiagnosed lameness, atrophy, ‘bad’ behavior, resistance, gait abnormalities, 4-beat canter, poor work attitude, sore/sensitive back, lacking engagement, stress lines and atrophy, repeated hock and stifle injections – all common equine issues Schleese witnesses every day.

Schleese’s training as a former 3 day event rider provides the basis for his epiphany. Jochen emotionally reveals how Saddlefit 4 LifeÒ came to be – the result of his personal experience with lameness in his competitive horse.  “Riders will relate on so many levels. I hope to change your mindset. You’ll cry at what you learn about issues you may have experienced with your horse.”

Jochen helps riders understand their challenges may be caused by poor saddle fit – back and hip pain, pelvic discomfort, struggling to maintain correct position, feeling  ‘pulled apart’, fighting the saddle, feeling out of balance –  issues that frustrated riders unknowingly communicate to their horse!

Certified Master Saddler and Equine Ergonomist, Jochen and his Saddlefit 4 LifeÒ global network of equine professionals share the commitment to protect horse and rider from long term damage caused by ill-fitting saddles. Now teaching and certifying professionals in the revolutionary Saddlefit 4 LifeÒ 80 point diagnostic saddle fit evaluation, Saddlefit4life is taught at equine institutions and universities including the German National Riding School, the School of Osteopathic Medicine, and the FN in Germany.  Jochen recently joined the board at the Equine Sciences Academy and his involvement as a founder of HIPPOH Foundation (Horse Industry Professionals Protecting Our Horses) underlines his heartfelt passion to improve the lives of horses and riders worldwide.

Riders want to do what’s best for their horses. It all starts with you. Will you protect your horse from lameness and damage caused by poor saddle fit? 

Great gift idea!  $24.95 (+ taxes, S&H)     800-225-2242 ex 32