For further information contact: Miriam Boutros-Dale, Managing Director
Miriam@schleese.com or 800-225-2242 x 41
A Star Is Born!
Schleese has done it AGAIN! Announcing a truly revolutionary saddle that will take the jumping world by storm and change the paradigm that has ruled this part of the equestrian industry for decades!
The LEVITAR VCFS (Virtual Custom Fit Saddle) is the only jumping saddle in the world that will defy gravity and actually levitate on and up to 4 inches behind the horse’s shoulders – to provide the horse with an absolutely unparalleled freedom of movement.
“Levitar” is our newest saddle using Portuguese in its name – the verb meaning ‘to rise and float in the air without any physical support’. It is a truly revolutionary product that has been in the making for the last couple of years; the latest brainchild of German Certified Master Saddler and Certified Saddle Ergonomist Jochen Schleese. Without hyperbole, no other saddle in the world comes close to the Levitar’s innovative design and unmatched technological advancements. Among others:
- The only saddle on the market that ‘levitates’ on and 4 inches behind the horse’s shoulder.
- The lowest impact after landing from a jump and faster recovery time between fences.
- The ability to allow the horse to push off its hind legs with 100% of its power.
- The freedom in the horse’s shoulders to avoid saddle twisting in motion.
- More stability in the saddle, while less restricting on the horse’s movement.
- Reliability and a huge reduction in saddle slippage on the horse’s back.
- Lower heart-rate for the horse with bigger strides and faster time in jump off.
Be among the first to learn more about this absolutely unique jumping saddle by visiting Jochen’s Webinar.
The official launch began 11223 (November 2, 2023!). Be sure to visit our Levitar webpage at schleese.com/levitar