Isabel Blomqvist
Independent CSE, CEE
- Sadelergonom Åland, Torpvägen 86 Ax-22270 Eckerö Åland Finland
Horses have always been my great interest since I was little. Got my first horse at age 14 that I have trained and I received a lot of lessons learned over the 11 years we were together.
When I myself would have new saddle for my horse, I had no great knowledge of saddles. Decided to take the help of a sadel coach and came into contact with Schleese saddles. I got to know how a seat would be to not hurt the horse, but it made me realize how important the choice of saddle for the horse’s well-being was when I got to try a saddle which actually suited both me and my horse gaits were no longer locked and I noticed a distinct difference in the horse’s Submission. The feeling I wanted to pass on to other riders and decided then that this was something I wanted to work with.
Started my practical training in the fall of 2012 and included a so-called internship with an already certified ergonomist saddle. In the spring of 2013, I went to Germany to join the theoretical training, led by Jochen Schleese, and perform the test to “certified equine-Ergonomist” (horse ergonomist).
In order to go further and become “CC. saddle Ergonomist (saddle ergonomist) would I have at least 30 approved documented implement saddle evaluations. In the autumn of 2013 was my evaluations completed and I could take the test to saddle ergonomist.
Every two years I go to Germany for further training and updating my certificate. This is done because we as saddle ergonomists should maintain a high and consistent standard and to keep us up to date on new research on ergonomic issues and take part in the next line. Keeps me also updated so gone you can about what is going on in the horse world, saddles, new findings and research.