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Join Over 200,000+ Happy Customers

"Since I have been using a Schleese saddle, I have felt more confident riding such a big horse."
My daughter bought a Schleese saddle for me after watching me fall off my Clydesdale. Since I have been using a Schleese saddle, I have felt more confident riding such a big horse. I find after riding for over half-an-hour, my back was not hurting anymore. The first long ride I had after getting the Schleese saddle was 2 hours! I couldn’t believe the difference in how I felt when I got down off the saddle. I was able to walk ‘normally’ (without feeling stiff and bow legged)! Thank you for making such a comfortable saddle that will fit any horse!
KIM WOOD // Ontario, Canada

"I am beyond DELIGHTED with my new saddle."
I just want to tell you, and please relay the information to Alexa and Julia who were out at Tundra’s this week, that I am beyond DELIGHTED with my new saddle—the prototype pony saddle. I don’t know if they told you, but my heretofore sluggish pony, Penny, bolted forward! I almost thought she was spooked. But the energy has continued, and even my barn manager noticed a difference in her demeanor! Her walk is freer, her trot is lovely, and her canter — well, I have to work on getting used to this new speed! Thank you very very much!
Leslie LowerY // Long Island, NY

"On the same wavelength as myself..."
Dear Jochen: Several years ago I read a review of your book, ordered it immediately, read it several times over & realized that here was someone that was on the same wavelength as myself. This was re-emphasized over the last several days. It was a real pleasure to meet you in person, learn from you & feel inspired to continue to keep trying to improve the lot of the horse.