Dawn Weniger has earned her USDF Bronze, Silver and Gold medals, and has ridden to the large tour CDI level. Dawn and her current mount, Don Derrick, started together when Dawn found him in Belgium as an unbroken 2-year-old. Now 14, Derrick is finishing his second year at Grand Prix with scores over 70%, and has also carried Dawn’s daughter Anna to success in the Young Riders division, including a Bronze team medal at the North American Junior Young Riders Championship, and a third place at the USEF Festival of Champions Young Riders division. Husband and father Andrew Weniger is a USDF Silver medalist and recently went back into the show ring on our latest import Claudius.
Firstview Farm purchased their first Schleese saddle almost 20 years ago and now have four! The Weniger’s are a Schleese family. The Weniger’s offer training, lesson and sales at their facility in Apex, NC. Visit Firstviewfarm.com and Facebook for details.