Christy Scotch - Schleese Ambassador


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Christy Scotch

Podcast S1E1 – Christy Scotch – August 1, 2019

Today, we are excited to speak with Grand Prix rider Christy Scotch who is now riding her mare ‘Darya’ in her Schleese Let’s Dance dressage saddle (which incidentally was designed by Anne Gribbons who is a 5* FEI Judge, Past USEF Coach and an Olympic Caliber Trainer). Christy has kindly offered to share some of the immense challenges she faced before riding in a Schleese saddle and how she has overcome these hurdles with the Let’s Dance Schleese saddle. Christy will also share some of the roadblocks she faced when working with riders and their horses that unfortunately were in a situation whereby either the rider, the horse or both were using saddles ill-suited. She now readily shares her knowledge of the importance of correct saddle fit to both horse and rider with her students so they too may be off to a better start in their riding careers however long or short they may be.


I have been a faithful customer of another saddle brand for over 10 years, and I would have sworn money that my saddle fit my horse perfectly. After all, I had ordered it specifically for her and had it re-flocked every 6 months for her. So why did she always seem sore in her back? And, more importantly, why was I having so much trouble getting her to move freely OVER her back? I thought it was me…or her lack of talent.

It wasn’t until a close friend of mine, who is also a bodywork specialist, did some bodywork on my horse before I even became open to the fact that my current saddle didn’t fit my horse. My friend was hesitant to say anything because she didn’t want to be seen as talking badly about other saddles, saddle fitters, etc. I asked her to show me the facts…which she did. She showed me where the last rib was on my mare and where the saddle should sit based on her anatomy. Then, we put my saddle on her back. It was very clearly at least 4 inches longer than her last rib. And where I was sitting on her back was way farther back than where she could support me without pain.

NEVER had I heard that the LENGTH of the saddle made a difference. But this was critical. I went on a search for a saddle that would fit my horse, and I was quite desperate. I could not ride my mare, in good conscience, with that same saddle any more than I could make my child wear a size tennis shoe 2 sizes too small. But I had to keep my mare in training. I learned about Schleese and started doing research as well as talking directly with Schleese. I had decided that an Obrigado was what my short-backed mare needed, and so I went on a search. I couldn’t afford a new saddle, so I was looking for anything used that would work. I finally found a saddle and took it on trial. It happened that I was scheduled to ride in a clinic with my trainer, Anne Gribbons, while I had the saddle on trial. So I took it with me and rode my mare in it at the clinic.

I have video of each clinic with Anne before, and each time we were working specifically on getting my mare to work over her back and to start to develop a true trot…rather than the “pony trot” that she seemed to come by with the other saddle. There was an immediate difference in the way she moved with the Obrigado. Everyone noticed it from the clinic organizer, auditors, and Anne and myself. I have a video on youtube with video of my horse going in her “old” saddle and then her going in the Obrigado. The difference was undeniable. So I talked to Anne about the saddle, and she recommended I try the saddle she had designed with Jochen Schleese called the “Let’s Dance.”

I contacted Schleese about this, and I quickly found out that these saddles (only just released in February 2019) were VERY hard to come by…and used ones were non-existent. So, I decided to buy the used Obrigado and get it fit for me and my mare. The following week, I took the saddle and my horse to GA to have it adjusted. It felt even better than before…but I still wanted the “Let’s Dance.”

After a lot of discussion with my husband, we finally decided to take the plunge and order the “Let’s Dance.” When it came in just before our Schleese saddle fitting clinic, I was beside myself with excitement. If the Obrigado was that good, how much better could the “Let’s Dance” be? Answer? A LOT!!! Odia and Chris made sure it was adjusted perfectly for my mare and for me, and I rode her in it. The saddle gave me such a close contact feel with my horse that I have never felt before. It was already good in the Obrigado, but the “Let’s Dance” was a whole new level of closeness. And my body just melted into the seat.

I took my mare down to ride with Anne just after getting this saddle fit, and this was the first time Anne was able to say very clearly that my horse had everything it took to be a great Grand Prix horse. I have always believed this about her, but I had never gotten confirmation from someone like Anne. This was my confirmation. Darya was now able to lift her back and do Piaffe, passage, uphill and expressive changes, tempis, etc.

I can’t wait to see what the future holds for my mare and me with our Let’s Dance. I truly feel us dancing together each time I am riding her! What an amazing feeling that is! Is it an expensive saddle? Yes. Is it worth every penny? ABSOLUTELY!!! I would recommend this saddle to anyone who really wants to dance with their horse. Anne specifically worked on this saddle to be for the professional trainer, and that is what it is. But adult amateurs can enjoy the closeness and unparalleled fit as well.

Either way, Schleese is the only saddle fitter I have found that truly cares about the best fit for the horse and rider…and not just what the rider likes. I can’t believe it has taken me this long to ride in one and to realize the importance of considering ALL FACTORS when buying a saddle.

Thank you Schleese! And thank you Anne! And thank you to my wonderful mare! I am so excited about our future. Watch for us, cause we’re going to do great things.


Wilsonville, AL

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